Board Members

Juliana Martins

Juliana Martins

Board Member

Sociologist (UNESP- Brazil) and Historian (Un. Paris I Sorbonne, France); she is Ph.D. in History and Anthropology - Univ. Studi di Padova (Italy), and from the University of Alicante in Economics of Cultural Heritage (Spain). Her topics include smart cities and Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Heritage.

Luzia Becker

Luzia Becker

Board Member

PhD in Political Science at IUPERJ (IESP). Postdoctoral fellow at HU Berlin, Germany (2015) and at UFF Niteroi, Brazil (2017). She has experience in political science with an emphasis on public policy. Her main themes are globalisation, migration and integration, territorial development, socio-environmental conflicts.

Lygia Hryniewicz

Lygia Hryniewicz

Board Member

PhD in Sociology at IUPERJ (IESP). Postdoctorate at Bergische Universität Wuppertal (2016). Lygia was faculty at the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (Fundação Getúlio Vargas). Her main research themes are: poverty, global issues, BRICS, Youth and gender relations at the job market.

Carolina Ambinder

Carolina Ambinder

Research Associate

PhD Candidate in Strategic Studies at PPGEST/UFF, CAPES Fellow. MSc in Maritime Studies at PPGEM/EGN. She is a former Fellow of the FEMAR Foundation (2018-2019), and the Igarapé Institute (2021-2022). Her main themes are Cooperation architecture, Defense Industry, Data Science, and CyberSecurity.

Larlecianne Piccoli

Larlecianne Piccoli

Research Associate

Ph.D. and MPhil in International Strategic Studies (PPGEEI/UFRGS). Research Director at South American Institute for Politics and Strategy (ISAPE). Former Lecturer at FSG-RS. Her main research themes are international security, Russia's Defense and Nuclear Policy, strategic weapons, military innovation.

Ana Paula Rodriguez

Ana Paula Rodriguez

Supervisory Board

PhD and MPhil in Comparative History. Post-doc in Administration at Instituto COPPEAD (UFRJ). Consultant at the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Latin America. She also acted as the editor-in-chief for InterAgency Institute's policy brief series, as well as its translations. Her main themes are European Union security governance, Migration, and Security Cooperation.

Research Associates

Ana Luiza Paiva (licensed)

Ana Luiza Paiva (licensed)

Research Associate

Ph.D. and MPhil in Comparative History (UFRJ), Assistant Professor at the Brazilian Army Command and Staff College, and former Lecturer at DGEI/IRID (UFRJ). Alumni of the George Marshall Center, Germany. Her main themes are Governance, Cooperation architectures, and Institutional Behavioural Analysis. Description

Cintiene Mendes

Cintiene Mendes

Research Associate

PhD and MPhil in Comparative History (UFRJ), Assistant Professor at the Brazilian War College, and former Lecturer at DGEI/IRID (UFRJ). She is an Alumni of the Perry Center, NDU (DC). Her main themes are Security & Defence Governance building and Behaviour Analysis Simulations Modelling.

Daniele Dionísio (licensed)

Daniele Dionísio (licensed)

Research Associate

hD and MPhil in Comparative History (UFRJ), Assistant Professor on Public Security at the Rio de Janeiro Federal University, Defence and Strategic Management Department (DGEI/IRID). Her main themes are: Maritime Security frameworks and Illicits maritime routes and networks.

Danielle Ayres Pinto

Danielle Ayres Pinto

Research Associate

PhD in Political Science (UNICAMP), MPhil and Lic. in International Relations (Coimbra University). Assistant Professor at the International Relations Department / Santa Catarina Federal University. Her main themes are: Cybersecurity and Cyberdefence, Structures of Power and the Digital Era.

Sabrina Medeiros

Sabrina Medeiros

Research Associate

PhD in Political Science. Professor in International Relations at Lusófona University. Former faculty at the Brazilian Naval War College, the Inter-American Defense College, and Rio de Janeiro Federal University. Her main themes are Defense and Security cooperation, simulations, and maritime security. ORCID 0000-0003-4954-3623

Silvana Schimanski

Silvana Schimanski

Research Associate

PhD in International Relations (UNB), MPhil in International Relations (UFRGS), Junior Visiting Fellow at the Graduate Inst. of International and Development Studies (IHEID-2014). Assistant Professor at the International Relations Dept. - UFPel. Her topics are Trade and Development, International Negotiations.

Veronica Morëira

Veronica Morëira

Research Associate

PhD and MPhil in Comparative History (UFRJ), Lic. in History, and former Visiting Fellow at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the International Relations Program at Universidade Veiga de Almeida. Her research focuses on gender themes, emphasizing inequalities in the professional environment.

Ana Beatriz Duarte

Ana Beatriz Duarte

Research Associate (licensed)

Ana Beatriz Duarte is a Ph.D. candidate in Contemporary Studies at the Univ. Coimbra. She holds a BA in Journalism and a Masters in Social History. She has been a communications practitioner (in Brazil, Portugal and UK), from government departments to think tanks.

Elmo Gomes

Elmo Gomes

PhD in Economics (Herts UK), MSc Management PUC-RJ, Consultant at Quadrazais. A former lecturer at PUC-RJ for 13y and global executive in the healthcare industry for 23y. His main themes are: institutional evolution, technologies for local development, innovation ecosystems, and applications to the healthcare industry.

Research Affiliates

Diogo Amaral

Diogo Amaral

Research Affiliate

He is a Bachelor in Arts and Humanities, and he is a Master Candidate in Diplomacy and International Relations at Lusófona University. He is currently doing is thesis in Asia-Pacific Defense and works on Illicit Flows and Maritime Security.

Luís C. Farias

Luís C. Farias

Research Affiliate

Mr. Farias has been a Research Affiliate at the InterAgency Institute since 2022, developing events, research and representing the organisation in several international fora concerning the regulation of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS). Before joining the InterAgency Institute, Luís led teams in developing Wargaming products as a part of the Gamification in International Relations Research Hub (GIRI-Hub). He has also been an Intern in both the U.S. Embassy Lisbon and the Portuguese Consulate in Frankfurt.

Ana Clara Abrantes Simões

Ana Clara Abrantes Simões

LLM in Philosophy of Law at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Currently, PhD candidate in Philosophy of Law at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Her main research interests are Statelessness, Refugees, Nationality, Sovereignty, Democracy and Kurdish movements.

Joyce K. S. Souza

Joyce K. S. Souza

Research Affiliate

Visiting Research Scholar at the Beinecke Library (Yale, USA). PhD on Law and Justice at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG, Brazil). Her research focuses on the great areas of Law, Philosophy and Politics, especially the investigation of normativity and violence; spectacle and alienation; the fundaments of law, democracy, state of exception and human rights.

Allan Antunes

Allan Antunes

Research Affiliate

Master Candidate in Maritime Studies (PPGEM/EGN) and Bachelor in International Affairs, he is a Sociology Professor and former Volunteer Fellow of the FEMAR Foundation (2018-2021) and of the Lab of Simulations and Scenarios (LSC/EGN). His main themes are UNIFIL, Middle East and InterAgency Cooperation.

Carlos Filipe Da Silva Costa

Carlos Filipe Da Silva Costa

Research Affiliate

PhD in physics and Master in Strategic Protection of the Country’s System (Società Italiana per l’Organizzazione Internazionale). He has been doing research in astrophysics at the National Space Research Institute of Brazil and the University of Florida. His fields of interest cover the applications and impacts of new technologies on society such as Cyber Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence.

Victor Gaspar Filho

Victor Gaspar Filho

Research Affiliate

Internationalist (IRI/PUC-Rio) and Master in Maritime Studies (PPGEM/EGN). He is currently a PhD candidate in Maritime Studies and International Policy Research, US and European Union Policy, Maritime and Naval Affairs, Natural Resources Geopolitics, Critical Minerals, Energy Transition, and Offshore Mining.

Raquel Castilho

Raquel Castilho

Research Affiliate

Raquel Castilho has a Master in Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ and a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights. She is a Bachelor in Law from UFRJ Her main areas are Public Law, International Law, Human Rights, Sustainability and Innovation.

Eva Cruzeiro (RapDiva)

Eva Cruzeiro (RapDiva)

Ad hoc Researcher

Eva Cruzeiro is a rapper (Angola/Portugal) dedicated to human rights issues such as violence against women.

Manuela Le-fort

Manuela Le-fort


Manuela Le-Fort is a student of Political Science and International Relations at NOVA University Lisbon. Highly motivated, she is supporting the advocacy and researching on LAWS (Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems).

Maria Clara Cazelli

Maria Clara Cazelli


Maria Clara Cazelli is a philosophy student at Porto University. She is dedicated to digital transformation and environmental impact as part of the Local Development IA research area.