Global Security
The Global Security research line of the InterAgency Institute explores critical challenges to international stability, focusing on the interplay of technology, governance, and resource management. This initiative aims to advance global security through innovative research, policy advocacy, and the promotion of cooperative frameworks.
2023 Agenda:
Interagency platforms, policies, and initiatives rely heavily on efficient information exchange. This project focuses on the dynamics of communication among agents, emphasizing trust-building and information-sharing efficiency. In the security domain, it highlights the importance of regulatory frameworks and operational effectiveness to improve interagency collaboration.
Coordination Team:
- Sabrina Medeiros: Maritime Security, Critical Minerals, and Artificial Intelligence
Associate Researchers:
- Ana Beatriz Duarte: Artificial Intelligence
- Carolina Ambinder: International Cooperation (in Defence)
- Cintiene Mendes: Intelligence and Interagency Collaboration
- Danielle Ayres: Cyber Security, Cyber Defence, and Conflict Mediation
- Larlecianne Piccoli: Nuclear Weapons and Autonomous Weapons
Research Affiliates:
- Allan Antunes: International Cooperation and the UNODC
- Carlos Filipe Costa: Cyber Security Regulation
- Luís C. Farias: Artificial Intelligence and Inequalities
- Victor Gaspar Filho: Critical Minerals
Advocacy Initiatives:
The research line engages in global security advocacy, focusing on:
- Supporting the UNODC in combating transnational organized crime (TOC) and fostering cooperation.
- Promoting Global South representation in the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace.
- Contributing to the Stop Killer Robots campaign, advocating for regulations under the CCW Convention on autonomous weapons systems.
- Participating in the UN Futures Forum to shape forward-looking global security strategies.
Paris Call – Global South representation