March 3, 2025
The InterAgency Institute is once again participating as an observer at the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) discussions for the Convention on Nonconventional Arms (CCW). The meeting takes place this week, from 3 to 7 March, at the United Nations Palace in Geneva. During the event, two Institute researchers will present to States delegations the preliminary results of a project seeking to map the CCW/GGE discussions on lethal autonomous weapons. A fact sheet highlighting insights about two discursive categories – human control and risk – will be distributed.
Funded by the Stop Killer Robots campaign, the project aligns with broader efforts to push for a legally binding instrument on autonomous weapons. Building on a previous project in partnership with the SKR campaign, the project aims to provide objective insights that enhance negotiation dynamics, inform delegations, and assist civil society in pinpointing advocacy opportunities.
Beyond contributing to the discussions within the GGE, our initiative aims to provide Insights to help overcome negotiation deadlocks and foster more effective dialogue.
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